Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Expanding a bit on Noreen's recent listserv invitation to "consider posting [to the ATL blog] links to the 'good stuff' you’re finding and share your well," I'd like to invite you to consider committing to a specific scheduled blog post as a designated ATL blogger. With Noreen leaving us to take on a new job and new challenges, at least for a while I'm going to have to pick up my game here and help out more, but I'm hoping to get some additional help by "crowdsourcing" the work load :-) We know everyone is crazy busy these days, but we think the blog is a great vehicle for an active exchange of ideas and discussion of issues that are broadly relevant to our ATL community; there's real value in hearing from multiple voices and perspectives, and I know we have lots of folks in this far-flung community with lots of valuable things to share! So contact me if you're interested ( and we'll take it from there to work out details; thanks! Bill

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