Sunday, April 21, 2013

Faculty Learning Community Grants for 2013-14

We anticipate accepting Faculty Learning Community (FLC) grant applications for the 2013-14 academic year beginning in mid-September 2013.

To qualify to submit a proposal you must complete the free, online FLC workshop being offered through Canvas May 14-23, facilitated by Ruth Duffy, Ann Garnsey-Harter, and Judy Penn from Shoreline Community College. To register email Jackie Clark ( by May 8.

Additional details about the FLC grant proposals will be posted to the Faculty Learning Communities web page, including the questions and format for the proposal submission.

Grants will be funded in two categories: eLearning and Assessment, Teaching and Learning. The same application form and process will be used for both categories.

Category 1: Assessment, Teaching and Learning FLC Grants
Faculty Learning Communities in this category may address a wide range of topics. Here are some examples:
·         Assessment – placement, formative, summative; prior learning assessment; assignments as assessments; assessing program effectiveness;
·         Scholarship of teaching and learning – redesigning courses; studying and applying new strategies; strategies for cross-college collaboration (student services, librarians, counseling, registration, faculty, and so forth)
·         Precollege Education – integrating college-level coursework with precollege work; teaching multi-level courses; accelerated “bucket” models

Category 2: eLearning FLC Grants
Faculty Learning Communities in this category must focus on one of the following topics:
·         Adoption of Canvas learning management system for online, hybrid or web-enhanced classrooms
·         Adoption of open materials (textbooks, teaching resources, Open Course Library materials, etc.) that save students money while retaining high quality

Also, a campus or departmental focus is an acceptable option in either category, i.e., developing a critical mass of colleagues within a department or program around a common innovation of some kind.

Please call or email Bill Moore (360-704-4346, if you have any questions that are not answered on the Faculty Learning Communities web page.

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